Change or reset password for TheShop account

change password,forgotten password,pass,password,reset,reset password

Content of the article

  • How to change an old or forgotten password to TheShop account


  1. Open the login page for your TheShop account.

  2. Click Forgot password?


    Figure 1-1

  3. Type your email address in the E-mail field and click Reset password.


    Figure 1-2

  4. Verify if the confirming notification appears on the login page.


    Figure 1-3

  5. Open your e-mail inbox and open an e-mail from TheShop.

  6. Click the reset link to create a new password.

  7. Type a new password and repeat it. The password must contain at least 8 characters. Click Save new password.


    Figure 1-4

We recommend using a strong password with at least 10 characters, a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters (such as / * + - ).

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