
Warehouse functionalities in TheShop

Warehouse management

Manage multiple warehouses, stock levels, cards with consumption settings, serial numbers, batch transfers.

Product catalogue

Multi-language, currency and domain management of products, metadata with the ability to create custom ones as needed.

Product categories and attributes

Unlimited number of categories, sub-categories, attributes, tags and labels. Advanced variant matrices.

Convenient packaging

Create a product pool with custom metadata while respecting inventory.

B2C and B2B pricing groups

Individual price groups for each customer group with bulk import options.

Linked products

To increase turnover, the possibility of linking products for cross-sale, up-sale or adding add-ons.

Order management

Automated order statuses, email communication, item management, order splits, internal notes.


Comprehensive invoicing process including issuing of advance invoices and credit notes. Implementation of QR codes.

Payment and delivery

Various payment options, automatic payment matching from bank account. Manage delivery terms and prices.

Customer accounts

Customer management, assignment of specific purchase conditions. Creation of groups. Activity analytics.

Discount codes

Discount coupon management (financial value or percentage discount)
with definition of number and expiry date.

Cart posts

Possibility to create a "contribution" functionality in the cart with rounding of the amount for a beneficial purpose.

Content pages, blog and FAQ

Creation of pages via WYSIWYG editor for each language version of the website.

Badges on products

A marketing tool to mark products (e.g. new, sale). Text and colour management possible.


Adding reviews and visual ratings for individual products with translation option.

Sales Feeds (XML)

Facebook, Google, Mall, Heureka etc. Possibility to create custom feeds based on technical specification.

Availability tracking

Creation of a "watchdog" to track the stocking of goods. After restocking, information e.g. by email.

User management

Different parts of the administration panel can be made accessible to different users based on permissions.

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